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Photo of Reema Roy or Poem Scribbler

My Story

Something about me

Reema Roy here. A marketer by the day and a poet and writer by night. I like to write poems whenever I find the time. When I write, it is like listening to music in my heart. Every piece of work that inspires me adds a fresh layer to my personality, which seems fascinating and mysterious at the same time.

It feels great when someone says, "Oh, you are a poet! I love poems like these. They are so touching that they make me want to go out and write poems too!" Generally, my meek reply is, "Oh no, I am just an amateur, still trying to be a poet."

My work tells about pain, happiness, love, and dreams, making them socially relevant and relatable.

This blog is a collection of poetry, articles, and stories put together by me. Since I am in love with words and stories, in this blog, you would find primarily works of fiction and some articles that may revolve around books and literature that may be useful to many readers and literati in general. Therefore, this blog is dedicated to poetry, verses, books, literature, words and literary art.

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Or you can look at my Facebook page @RoyReema212

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And as I am a marketing professional as well, and if you need to learn more about marketing, then you can follow my Medium blog by

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