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A Brief History of Science Fiction

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Science fiction has been around for centuries, entertaining and inspiring people with tales of the future. But where did science fiction come from? And how did it evolve into the genre we know today? In this blog post, we'll take a look at the history of science fiction, from its earliest days to the present. So put on your space helmet and join us on an exciting journey through time!

Science fiction has been existing since the late 1800s, but it really didn't take off until the 1930s and 1940s. During that time, some of the most famous science fiction stories were written, including "Forbidden Planet" and "The War of the Worlds".

Science Fiction a.k.a Sci-fi is...

Science fiction is a genre of science-based fiction that often explores the potential consequences of scientific, technological, social, or political changes in the future. While science fiction can include elements of science or non-science genres such as fantasy, horror, action, superhero fiction, or espionage, sci-fi differs from other genres in its focus on science-related elements. Sci-fi is largely based on writing, particularly literature, but many films have also been produced within this genre.

Science is a tool for SF writers...

Science fiction has used the literary devices of science and invention to convey moral and philosophical ideas. Some works by SF writers such as HG Wells were concerned with social issues such as class, gender, and governance. Concepts like time, environmental disaster, travel and telepathy are also science fiction staples that have been used to portray various ideas about science or science-related fields.

Sci-fi is much older than what you think...

There has been much debate over the origins of science fiction. Arguments about the history of science fiction focus on its antecedents, its literary roots, and other forms that influenced it in various cultures throughout human history. Given the fundamental nature of innovations in science and technology to all human cultures, there are natural arguments for placing proto sci-fi in ancient times, Pre-1500 Europe, Asia, or other places on earth. The disputed beginnings of science fiction are the earliest works that qualify as sci-fi but are not readily classifiable into any literary genres that scholars have conventionally assigned to that category. Yet, it is generally believed that the earliest works of science fiction must have been around since the mid-1500s. Science fiction is, therefore, infinitely old and infinitely new. Read more about sci-fi here.

History of Sci-Fi

The history of science fiction in science fiction has given SF writers the ability to stand upon the shoulders of giants, so to speak; if Jules Verne hadn't written Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Edgar Allen Poe might never have written The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, and science fiction may have turned out to be a completely different genre.

Many science fiction fans will tell you that science fiction as we know it today all began with pulp magazines. These science fiction and fantasy magazines were extremely popular during the early twentieth century and often featured science fiction stories on their covers and on their pages. The most famous of these science fiction pulp magazines is "Amazing Stories" which was first published in 1926.

What does Science Fiction mean in movies?

Sci-Fi or Science Fiction is a movie genre using fantasy science-based portrayal of phenomena not entirely accepted in mainstream science.

Sci-Fi in Cinema

Science Fiction cinema gave sci-fi a new dimension and popularised it to an unprecedented extent. Sci-fi movies such as The Phantom Empire (1935), Flash Gordon (1936), and Buck Rogers (1939) all came out during the 1930s and 1940s, and science fiction movies were extremely popular with kids who would often go see science fiction movies multiple times to watch their favourite science fiction characters like Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon on the big screen. With time sci-fi films became a hot favourite of people all around the world.

The Evolution of Science Fiction in Cinema

The science fiction pulp magazines died out in the 1950s and 1960s, and science fiction literature soon became more accepted in mainstream society. Science fiction novels such as Dune (1965) and Stranger in a Strange Land (1961) were popular scifi works during this period, and science fiction books began to be recognized for their literary value rather than the science fiction elements. By the 1970s, sci-fi had become one of the most popular genres and was being written by the likes of authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and Ursula K. Le Guin.

The sci-fi films of this period tended to be a lot more sophisticated than sci-fi films from earlier decades. Science fiction films such as Star Wars (1977), Alien (1979), and Blade runner (1982) were able to take advantage of the advanced special effects and increased interest in science fiction generated by sci-fi books. Sci-fi altered cinema history for its viewers completely.

Modern Science Fiction

Sci-fi has continued to be popular in the 21st century, and many new and innovative science fiction novels have been written. The current trend in science fiction seems to be for more grounded, realistic science fiction stories that often explore social and political issues. This can be seen in novels such as Altered Carbon (2002), The Windup Girl (2009), and The Martian (2011).

At the same time, there has also been a resurgence of interest in old-school space opera science fiction, and this is most evident in movies such as Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015) and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016).

While Alien invasion and alien races or alien beings remain a concurrent topic, amazing stories of outer space, a space odyssey, space travel, stories based on robots, solar system, alternate reality, artificial intelligence, and cyberpunk have also caught the fancy of 21st-century science fiction writers. Movies such as Jurassic Park, Fifth Element, Silent Running, star trek series are some examples of present-day sci-fi. In the near future, films can be based on topics such as environmental disasters, climate change, earth, world or, life-related issues.

New age Science Fiction...

As science progresses and artificial intelligence enriches the human experience and becomes a part of day-to-day life, a much more detailed variety of science fiction fantasy will be available for people to enjoy.

Science fiction is a genre that has always been in a state of flux, with new authors and new ideas constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. As such, it isn't easy to make any definitive statements about science fiction as a whole. However, be it a movie or a book, it is clear that science fiction is one of the most popular genres in the world, and it shows no signs of dying out any time soon. Both sci-fi movies and books will continue to increase their fanbase.

What are the best sci-fi films according to you? Do leave a comment.

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