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Book Review: Animal Farm- A Timeless Allegory

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a classic novel that needs no introduction. Published before the end of the Second World War in 1945, this satirical allegory still remains a significant literary work with its apt and concise portrayal of power dynamics.

George Orwell masterfully uses farm animals to symbolize the key players of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of Soviet totalitarianism. The book Animal Farm uncannily retains its relevance even in the present day. Its themes of power corruption and the cyclical nature of revolutions resonate with current global political narratives. Decades on, readers continue to find parallels between Orwell's narrative and the mechanics of modern governance, media manipulation, and the fragility of democratic structures, demonstrating the timeless nature of its cautionary tale.

A visual represntation of timeless text for Animal Farm book by Orwell

George Orwell's Animal Farm- The Plot

At its core, Animal Farm begins with the simple and powerful premise of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, Jones, the owner of "The Manor Farm". They are spurred on by dreams of a utopia where all animals are equal, free, and happy. In the wake of their initial victory, they established a new order, hoping to abolish the unjust hierarchies that had previously oppressed them.

Initially, the farm runs smoothly; however, as the narrative progresses, the story delves into the complexities of power, leadership, and idealism, painting a vivid picture of the challenges of creating a society based on equality. Without giving away the ensuing events, it's clear from the onset that Orwell sought to set the stage for a sharp examination of the perils that follow the intoxicating initial success of a revolution, at which he succeeds with flying colours.

Orwell's Writing

Orwell's writing in Animal Farm showcases his trademark clarity and succinctness, possessing a style that is straightforward yet profound. Renowned for his lucid prose (evident in Orwell's essays as well), George Orwell eschews unnecessary complexity, focusing instead on conveying the narrative and its underlying messages in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience. His sentences are crafted with precision, each word carefully chosen to serve the story's allegorical purpose. This stripped-down approach to storytelling amplifies the impact of the political commentary, as it allows readers of all backgrounds to grasp the sophisticated concepts woven into the seemingly simple tale.

The animal allegory adds a layer of depth and complexity. Orwell wrote with clarity and brevity, further emphasising its potency, making it a perfect book for those new to political literature.

George Orwell's mastery in Animal Farm extends beyond the mere choice of animals as characters; it lies in his ability to distil complex political theories and historical events into a narrative that is as enlightening as it is entertaining. Furthermore, Orwell's use of irony and satire is subtle but effective, underscoring the absurdities and contradictions inherent in the political system he critiques.

The image of cover page of the latest edition of Animal Farm book

Literary Criticism


Animal Farm is rich with themes that extend far beyond its historical allegory to offer commentary on universal aspects of human beings and society. Principal among these are:

Power and Corruption

Central to the narrative is the exploration of how power can corrupt. The pigs start with revolutionary ideals for equality but become indistinguishable from the humans they overthrew, illustrating Lord Acton's adage, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Class Warfare and Inequality

The book depicts the struggle between the different classes of animals, mirroring the class struggles seen in human society. This theme is a critical reflection of the disparities between the ruling elite and the working class.

The Danger of Apathy

The story also critiques the animals' passivity and unquestioning acceptance of the pigs' authority (especially when the pigs elevate themselves continually), serving as a warning against the dangers of political apathy and the importance of critical thinking and scepticism in maintaining a free society.

The Cyclical Pattern of Governance

By tracing the revolution's trajectory from hope to dystopia, Orwell describes the cyclical nature of history, where new regimes often resemble the very tyrannies they aimed to overthrow.

These themes underscore Orwell's bleak view of human nature and political systems, suggesting that society is doomed to repeat its mistakes without vigilance, self-awareness, and a commitment to justice.

Beyond its political undertones, Animal Farm also delves into themes of class struggle, propaganda, and mind control. The manipulative tactics used by the pigs to maintain their dominance are eerily reminiscent of real-life political strategies, making the novel both relevant and thought-provoking.


Upon its release, Animal Farm was met with a mixture of acclaim and controversy, quickly establishing itself as a seminal work in political satire. Its reception was not uniform across the globe, with some countries initially banning it due to its critical portrayal of specific political regimes. It never became a "great commercial success" as such. Still, it established itself firmly as a classic work and has been a widely read book in the English Language and translated into other major languages as well.

The novella has endured the test of time, finding relevance across various cultural and political landscapes, including India. In countries like India, where democracy is continually evolving amidst challenges of corruption, social inequality, and the manipulation of information, Orwell's cautionary tale resonates deeply. The themes of power, manipulation, and class struggle are universal, making Animal Farm a timeless piece that prompts reflection on the nature of governance and the responsibilities of the governed. Its ability to speak to the conditions of modern societies worldwide underscores Orwell's profound understanding of human nature and political dynamics.

An illustration of an animal farm based on the book Animal Farm by Orwell

Overall Impression

George Orwell's Animal Farm is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding power dynamics and how easily it can corrupt. Its enduring relevance and sharp commentary make it an essential addition to any bookshelf. Whether you're reading it for the first time or revisiting this classic, Animal Farm will leave you with a deeper understanding of the human condition and the impact of power on society. In these tumultuous times, its message serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and question those in positions of authority. As the famous quote from the book goes -

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".

A timely warning that resonates throughout history and continues to do so today.

About the Author

George Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903 (who adopted the pen name George Orwell), was a literary titan whose keen insight into social injustices, deep scepticism of centralized power, and profound concern for the common man cemented his place in literary and philosophical history. His genius lies not only in his ability to create immersive narratives but also in his foresight and the timeless nature of his critiques of totalitarianism, propaganda, and the misuse of language as a tool of oppression.

Orwell’s work, including Animal Farm and 1984, transcends the specific political contexts it addresses, offering a universal warning about the fragility of freedom and the perennial struggle against tyranny. His clear, direct prose and his commitment to truth, even at personal cost, demonstrate a profound respect for the reader's intelligence and for the power of literature as a force for social change.

An AI generated image of George Orwell

So, pick up Animal Farm and experience the brilliance of George Orwell's genius for yourself. You won't be disappointed. Add this timeless classic to your reading list!

Let it serve as a reminder that we must always remain vigilant in safeguarding our democracy and protecting against the dangers of corruption and authoritarianism.

Overall Rating: 5/5 Apt and Concise.

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