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  • Writer's pictureRoy Reema

Poetry: God spake

Why are we here?... I wonder,

Whose gaiety, health, or wealth did we plunder?

Why are we stranded?... I wonder,

What heinous acts committed or blunder?

Why are we to die and perish?... I wonder,

Will not be enough if we yield, surrender?

And the voice answered.... a thunder, "It's your sins, Oh MAN, why wonder?

You looted and raped and destroyed, you offender!

You butchered away my creation... MY wonder

Now you frown, all teary drowned, a bystander.

As you watch and, sigh, and things around you die,

As I unleash my wrath, you'll see aftermath, There is nothing and no one to wonder.

You were so proud, all-powerful and loud, As if... You.. were the Founder!

Yet here you are, all shocked and all sour,

A fool.... A bounder !"

If only we understood and stood where we should,

It would all have been a Wonder. If only we could heed and make amends by our deeds,

It would have remained a Wonder.

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Shriniwasa Revathi
Shriniwasa Revathi
Aug 25, 2022

Very Poignant and Beautiful!!!!

Roy Reema
Roy Reema
Aug 25, 2022
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Thank You so much for your kind words 😊

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