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  • Writer's pictureRoy Reema

The Top 3 books I read in 2021

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

The year 2021, marred by Covid 19, was not too great an excellent year for most of us. As for me, it was a busy year, jam-packed and compared to the last three years, I barely managed to reach even ten books in 2021. Also, as a person who adores the fictional world and loves her paperback books (electronic book aka Kindle too) 2021 surprisingly somehow remained a "non-fiction" year for me. But, the good news is I managed to read some good books, and so here are my top 3 books for the year 2021.

1. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

I am sure you must have heard or read great things about this book by Yuval Noah Harari, and I confirm that it lives up to the raving reviews. It is a fantastically long written work that gives a very different perspective of the world, our place in it and above everything else, where we are all headed towards. Sapiens talk about everything, from our species to the way we evolved, how we organized in small groups and moved on to the civilizations of today. However, some very interesting facts will sound extremely weird, but they all make sense. Although it talks a lot about history, the book also focuses on the future and how our societies will change as we progress. Even if you don't want to read this book, at least spend an hour going through its Wikipedia page, where it talks about all these interesting facts. This book also mentions how the modern money that we use originated, how the world's various religions came into being, how our sexual preferences are determined by several factors, and yes, there is much more to read.

This book talks about the rise of humankind from the small groups to the civilization we have become today. This book is a must-read for every human being on this planet Earth. It is one of the most popular books of our times and is definitely one of those books which make to the "must-read" category of written work.

2. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Though this book will resonate with women the most yet, men must also read this book to understand what the women in their lives face regularly. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg hits the right chords by addressing pressing issues. The book is about women's day-to-day challenges, their fears and how they can overcome those fears to be more confident as a person. The author makes some perfect points about why women must keep going despite all of these hurdles in life, which includes both professional and personal lives. Sheryl also talks a lot about the stigma attached to being a strong woman who knows what she wants from life and not someone who would just do for others without having a say in it. Though this book lacks some depth, reading this will definitely help you rise above your doubts and boost your confidence.

This book will answer almost all the crucial questions that crop up in a female professional's mind. In this book, Sandberg cites real-life examples and her personal experiences to help every individual grow. The writing style is more conversational; hence it is an easy read and keeps the reader engaged.

This is a much-needed book and the author deserves all the credit for writing it at such a time, when we need books like these.

3. Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

This book. What do I mention about this book? It is absolutely a gem for a person like me who wishes to drown in the sea of words, books, literature and poetry. I confess to having read this book on Kindle, then have listened to the audiobook on Audible and then have reread it on a hardbound cover. After all, Rilke is one of those writers you will wish to read repeatedly. It is a bible for poets. As mentioned by Francis Bacon "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested", so every letter of Rilke falls into the last category. Each and every page of this book is to be chewed and digested.

Rilke is a delight to the soul. It is a small book with 40 pages only, but the language, every single word chosen to guide a young poet, an amateur writer who sought the guidance of Rilke, seems to have music in it. This book is an inspiring and memorable experience.

"Poetry should be cherished by the people and kept alive in the society," urged Rilke in this book. It is a must-read for anyone who wishes to write books, poems, or simply keep nourishing their passion for writing. Besides, poetry is not everyone's cup of tea, but trust me when I say that you will be left spellbound and mesmerized after reading this book.

Some other noteworthy mentions

Life's Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das

This is also a good book on the basics of Vedanta. It will help you understand why we are here, what keeps us alive, how to keep our minds healthy and at peace. If you wish to learn more about meditation or get yourself started on some serious spiritual practices, this book is a good read. The story is simple and basic, but it touches upon the daily life challenges faced by every individual. The book also mentions the importance of mindfulness and the art of living in the present. It provides its readers with valuable insights and imparts knowledge on the life rules one must follow to lead a healthy and happy life.

Only Love is Real by Dr Brian Weiss

This book talks about soulmates, reincarnation and, most importantly, love. The book makes you rethink the idea of love in all areas of life. It is a book based on actual events narrated by Dr Brian, who was sceptical at first but gradually became open to the concept of life beyond death. Dr Brian Weiss is a known psychiatrist, and this book is one of the first of his many books, which he later published based on his practices. The book, first printed and published in 1997, became one of the best-selling ones. This is one of those books you would like to have in print to keep in your library to re-read once in a while to inspire yourself and instil hope and faith in your soul. It is a spiritual guide that will make you rethink the idea of interconnectedness in life.

I hope you enjoy reading these books as much as I did. I hope these books win your heart, just like they did for mine!

Books are the best friend who never leaves your side. And if books can inspire you to lead a better and healthier lifestyle (and of course, the enriched vocabulary comes free), then I don't think there is anything better than books. So, books should always be cherished and kept alive in society.

For the record, this year, I will read more books. I have already finished a novel and a short story book. I will share the summary and notes on them soon. As I write this, I may already have a new book by my side; more on that later. Stay tuned to this page.

Thank you so much for reading my article. I hope it has been beneficial for you, and if there is any other book that you think should be added to this list, please let me know by leaving your valuable comments below. Have a great day ahead!

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