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  • Writer's pictureRoy Reema

Poetry: Why the Darkened Heart?

And the sun set.

The moon climbed up slowly in the sky.

The wind blew softly.

There glowed brightly, a lonely firefly.


There she sat,

amidst all beauty with gloom in her eyes,

for her heart was lost

and wits all weary,

if only she'd have known why!


If only she'd have known why.

She was shamed for something as trivial as her colour

as if she chose it at her will.

She was denied and refuted

all the love she deserved

as she didn't fit the silly 'bill'!

The bill of a gross ideal

of pale skin, slender built, doe eyes

and all that is unreal.

So, she was slandered because she was dark.

And slandered was she,

by the men, society and we.

We, who are real,

claim to have and be ideal

but are darker than the darkest night

and darker than Dark Ages,

for even after centuries of sun rises and sets,

we couldn't break those shackles or those cages.

And many a "she" will sit with gloom in their eyes,

watching their lives going awry,

only wondering "Why".

Sad Lost woman image by Roy Reema

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